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联系人:李小姐 女士 (经理)
电 话:021-50311197
手 机:18918158831


供应_原拜耳科思创_缘禾水性聚氨酯XP 2770一级代理


    Bayhydrol A XP 2770

Solubility / thinnability Bayhydrol® A XP 2770 can be thinned with water in

any ratio.

Compatibility Suitable co-reactants for the formulation of

aqueous two-component polyurethane systems include

Desmodur® N 3400, N 3600, N 3800 or N 3900,

Bayhydur® 3100, 304, 305, 401-70, XP 2487/1,

XP 2655 or XP 2759.

Properties / Applications Bayhydrol® A XP 2770 is a hydroxyfunctional

polyacrylic dispersion which can be thinned with

water to application viscosity. Bayhydrol® A XP

2770 combined with aliphatic polyisocyanates

yields high-gloss top coats which can be dried

at room temperature or force-dried, e.g.at 80℃

The cured paint films are hard and flexible with

outstanding resistance to solvents and water and

excellent weatherability.

When properly formulated, e.g.in combination with

Bayhydur® 304 in an NCO / OH ratio of 1.5 : 1,

the pot life is approx. 4 hours.

Bayhydrol® A XP 2770 has good pigment wetting

properties and high shear stability. Bead mills

have proved suitable as grinding equipment. Only

pigments and extenders with a minimum water-soluble

content should be used. Given the many pigments

and extenders available, compatibility testing

李小姐 女士 (经理)  
电  话: 021-50311197
传  真:
移动电话: 18918158831
公司地址: 中国上海浦东新区民民路380弄27幢
邮  编: 201209
公司主页: http://xinyuanhe.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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上海缘禾化工有限公司 公司地址:中国上海浦东新区民民路380弄27幢
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