商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:xinyuanhe.qy6.com 原拜耳科思创_一级代理_源禾水性聚氨酯水性固化剂Imprafix2794_上海缘禾化工有限公司
联系人:李小姐 女士 (经理)
电 话:021-50311197
手 机:18918158831





Solubility/thinnability Imprafix® 2794 XP can be thinned with water. The

compatibility and storage stability of the thinned

solutions should always be tested, particularly if

cosolvents are used.

Storage - Storage in original sealed Bayer MaterialScience


- Recommended storage temperature: 5 - 23 °C.

- Protect from moisture, heat and foreign material.

Storage time Bayer MaterialScience represents that, for a period

of six months following the day of shipment as stated

in the respective transport documents, the product

will meet the specifications or values set forth in

section "specifications or characteristic data" above,

what ever is applicable, provided that the product is

stored in full compliance with the storage conditions

set forth in and referenced under section "storage"

above and is otherwise handled appropriately.

The lapse of the six months period does not necessarily

mean that the product no longer meets specifications

or the set values. However, prior to using said product

Bayer MaterialScience recommends to test such a product

if it still meets the specifications or the set values.

Bayer MaterialScience does not make any representation

regarding the product after the lapse of the six months

period and Bayer MaterialScience shall not be

responsible or liable in any way for the product

failing to meet speci

李小姐 女士 (经理)  
电  话: 021-50311197
传  真:
移动电话: 18918158831
公司地址: 中国上海浦东新区民民路380弄27幢
邮  编: 201209
公司主页: http://xinyuanhe.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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上海缘禾化工有限公司 公司地址:中国上海浦东新区民民路380弄27幢
李小姐 女士 (经理) 电话:021-50311197 传真:
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